Abbott Vascular International, Culliganlaan 2B, 1831 Diegem, Belgium, is dedicated to handling personal information about you according to your preferences and our legal obligations. Abbott is asking you to provide the above mentioned personal information for the administration and participation in the Webinar. This information will not be used for any other purpose and will only be shared with a designated third party solely for the purpose of facilitating your participation in the webinar. Your data will be retained for the duration of the webinar and as long as legal obligations requires us to do so. If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Statement or wish to file a complaint, or to access or correct your personal information or you require more information on a specific processing activity, please contact By providing this personal data and clicking on “SIGN IN” you consent to the processing of your personal data as described herein. ©2020 Abbott. All rights reserved.
Privacy Statement